Saturday, August 3, 2024

When the going gets tough

 So I know many of you that choose to read this blog are either close to me or far away. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my content. 

I hope it can help you think about things that may be on top for you. 

I would like to mention that anything on this blog should not be interpreted incorrectly and you should only read this if you have intentions of reading for the pleasure of reading. 

Blogs were once a thing that lots of people got into prior to social media and of course were a great outlet for aspring writers to practice this art. 

No colloquial language or cryptic nonsense is to be had with what is quite rightly just pure passion for the written word. 

Writing from the heart and making yourself vulnerable is one of the things people can often fail to do with the idea that the wrong people may set eyes on it. 

I write out of pleasure, and it brings me joy. Once upon a time I wanted to be a writer, thought about a name I could hide behind but now I have been exposed in different settings I think I may as well just use my own name. 

This is my ode to freedom and self-expression and I am so grateful that I get to express myself in such a way that allows me to relax and think and go with the flo with the rhythm of being human. 

Just like yourself I have struggled and I thik if you can read this from a perspective of knowing who you are and where you came from no matter where you are in the world then this is the blog for you.

Bear in mind that this will not be something to read to forsake you.

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